The 20BD014A3AYNACC1 is an Allen-Bradley AC drive. It belongs to the PowerFlex 700 series. This drive works with 3-phase inputs. It supports a rated load of 10 horsepower. The input voltage is 480 VAC. The current rating is 14 amps. It has an IP20/NEMA Type 1 enclosure. This makes it suitable for industrial applications. The drive includes an LCD display and a full keypad. Users can easily configure and monitor it. Note that this model is discontinued.
To repair your Allen Bradley 20BD014A3AYNACC1, send it to ERD at 705 Indeneer Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284. We will provide a firm quote within 48 business hours after we receive your unit. If you want to talk to us, call 1.336.992.3611 or visit our contact page at
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We provide exceptional in-shop electronic repair services. Our experts have deep knowledge and a commitment to quality. We ensure reliable and efficient repairs for complex electronic systems. ERD has a global tradition of handling complicated electronics across various industries.
Our skilled technicians at ERD Ltd. specialize in repairing the Allen Bradley 20BD014A3AYNACC1. Call 336-992-3611 for more information!